Friday, May 20, 2016

If a thing is hard to do ...

Tra la la la la la la Try, Try Try
(click on the link to hear my nephew Asher sing this song)

For some reason our family sang this song at every family home evening. I'm not sure where it came from. It isn't a primary or church song from what I can tell. But I love it. And perhaps subconsciously it has helped me persevere through some hard things or difficult times.

Today I studied Sister Neil Marriott's talk from the women's session of general conference titled, What Shall We Do?

So many things struck me from her words ... 
  • We all have unique gifts that we can use for good to NURTURE ourselves, each other, our families, everyone around us
  • To mother means ... TO GIVE LIFE
  • We can use these unique gifts to nurture and CREATE emotional healing places for each other 
  • We can use these unique gifts to help others feel like they belong and are in a spiritually safe place
  • As we endure hard things and difficult times with patience, our hearts are being purified and we become more tender, more charitable, more empathetic
  • Sisters naturally love to gather and talk ... we can let this natural desire grow into opportunities to teach and lead and nurture each other
  • We can love others (and show that love) by making space for them in your life
Sister Marriott concludes her talk with this quote, "All of us need a spiritual and physical place of belonging. We, sisters of all ages, can create this; it is even a holy place."

I sincerely desire that we will try to love (make space in our lives), nurture, and serve each other. As we do this through visiting teaching or otherwise, we will all help create this spiritual and physical place of belonging.

I love you each of you. I truly do. I hope my nephew Asher singing "Try, try, try," brings a smile to your face. I hope we can be there for each other as we build each other, lift each other, and recognize that we are all just "try, try, trying."

1 comment:

  1. I love these insights and thoughts Katie! Thank you for sharing. And what a great song!! (your nephew was adorable! :)
