Wednesday, December 7, 2016

This Christmas - What gifts are you going to give?

As a kid I wanted the original Nintendo for Christmas so badly I couldn't sleep at night. It was an obsession on the order of Ralphie's Red Ryder bb gun. Years later one of my favorite gifts was a jar of strawberry jam that one of my best friends gave me. I savored that for months and thought of her making that jam every time I spread it onto my toast.
In December 2003, President Monson said, “he who gives money gives much, he who gives time gives more, but he who gives of himself gives all.” The Nintendo was a gift of money and the jam represented a gift of time. 

As you think about the gifts you are going to give this year, please consider the categories that President Monson outlined (money, time, yourself) and find ways to make the gifts you give more meaningful. Please also consider giving to the "poor and needy" rather than just your family and friends. In the past our ward has raised quite a bit of money with a service auction for a Sub for Santa service project. We did not do that this year but I know many of you would still like to serve and give. There are many opportunities and organizations where you can give and serve in our community. One project in particular is to make and give blankets for the homeless to be distributed through the Food and Care Coalition. Laura Smith is organizing a blanket-making party this Saturday from 11AM - 4 PM in the Relief Society room at the stake center. Here is a link to a google form you can fill out to let Laura know how you can help. Right now there is a need for sewing machines and fleece. 

This opportunity gives us a chance to give of our time and money. But how can we give of ourselves to others and to our Father in Heaven?

We can give a listening ear, friendship, a smile, a hug, or forgiveness. Elder Eyring said, “As you forgive, you will feel the joy of being forgiven. At this Christmastime you can give and receive the gift of forgiveness. The feeling of happiness that will come will be a glimpse of what we can feel at home together in the eternal home for which we yearn.”

Our parents gave us the gift of life. Heavenly Father gave His son so that we could have everlasting life (John 3:16). He also gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost. We have been given many gifts of the spirit which we should continually strive to develop and share. We have also been given the gift of agency so we can decide if and how we want to receive these gifts. Christ gave us the greatest gift of all, the atonement which allows us to be resurrected and to repent of our sins and be forgiven. There is truly no greater gift. 

What can we give our Father in Heaven and His Son? We can give them our broken hearts and contrite spirits. We can give our will to them.

Merry Christmas, my dear friends. Please know that we love you and pray for you daily. May you feel the Lord's love for you abundantly in your lives during this holiday season and throughout the year.


  1. Thanks for including the project, Katy. We are in such desperate need to get enough material to make these quilts so they'll be warm enough. I hope some of the sisters will consider donating fleece for Saturday or even just $5 or more to the fund to help us buy enough fleece to make these. I know it's a tough time of year with so many other obligations, but there's always an extra $5 for people to spare for those who have less than nothing.

    And especially if sisters (and brothers) can come help us construct these. There's a desperate need. While we're in our warm homes, many are in our city without adequate covering. We are our brother's keeper and we've been asked to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. This is one way to help them be warm enough at night by adequate covering.
