Saturday, April 2, 2016

Meet Katy Knight

Leader Spotlight: Conference Special
Meet Our Relief Society President
Katy Knight

As we listen to and sustain our leaders this conference weekend, it seems fitting to get to know our own new ward Relief Society President, Katy Knight. What makes Katy tick? What are her superpowers? And can she really love all of us like she and every other Relief Society President before her has claimed to say? (Spoiler alert. Yes. Yes she can. And indeed, yes she does!)

What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Lots. This isn’t Katy’s first (Relief Society) rodeo. In fact, her favourite calling up until now has been in Relief Society as a teacher (one of Katy’s many talents!). What you might not know is that Katy has had several callings in RS, including serving as RS 1st Counsellor on more than one or two occasions (this includes just recently under our last fearless leader, Annette Merzlock). But when Katy got news the presidency was going to be released, something felt different this time. She felt like they were just getting started and there was much work to be done, a notion she hadn’t experienced when she had been released before. And there was good reason for that. Katy was indeed just getting started in the work and that sentiment was a signal of the passing of the mantel to her shoulders which she would learn shortly thereafter when she was called by the bishop.
Already in such a short time she will tell you that she has experienced first-hand how being president allows her to get to know each of the sisters (yes, YOU!) in a way she hadn’t before. This is a blessing and a testament to the real power to feel love for others that comes with the calling.

So when Katy says she loves each and every sister. Well, she does. And that means YOU!

Hopefully by the end of our spotlight, you will feel even more love for our president, too, as you get to know her better!

Ready? Ok. Let’s go!

Locally Grown and Produced
Like so many good things, Katy was born and raised locally, right here in Provo, Utah. The eighth of nine children (with a younger sister), Katy was 7 years younger than the next oldest. It was like being born in a 2nd family, but with the benefits of lots of family (including 31 nieces and nephews ranging from a 35 year old niece to the youngest who is 1; plus 10 great nieces and nephews). She will tell you that her younger sister was born to give Katy companionship growing up, and she’ll also tell you that there were great perks to having older parents! Not only were there some great perks being raised when the family was more established like getting to eat out for dinner unlike what her older siblings got, but her parents were pros at that point, filled with even more wisdom and experience.

Plus, Katy is Super Aunt. She loves spending time with her nieces and nephews who are important people in her life. It’s not uncommon to see pics of Katy with her cute sidekicks. Seriously cute. I mean, look at these pics. ‘nuf said.

Too School for Cool
Now, Katy has a lot of friends and knows a lot of cool people. You could say that Katy is one of the cool kids who makes others feel cool, too! But back in elementary school, she was not in the cool group and just couldn’t break in. But by junior high school she realized that trying to be in the cool group was just plain goofy. So in 7th grade, she decided she didn’t need to be one of the cool people and instead set out to make friends with everyone. And I mean everyone. She learned some important wisdom at this young age: you don’t have to be in a certain group to be liked. Every single person has something to offer and if you take the time, you can find out what that special something is for each person. She has continued to see people from that perspective which allows her to see the strengths that everyone has to contribute (even in our ward!). From this experience Katy also learned that no matter the task in front of her she could always figure it out and succeed.

She’s Got Spirit, How ‘bout You?
And succeed she did while supporting others in their successes. Despite living within the bounds of our stake, Katy was bussed to Provo High (oh, school boundaries!). While there, Katy served as student body president. She loved school sports and school spirit. Not only did she play basketball, but she also loved watching everything from volleyball and softball to football. Katy went to watch just about everything to support others and show her school spirit.

An Education. An Educator.
Like her dad who was a physics professor at BYU, Katy was drawn to the sciences. She studied Bio Education for her Bachelors before continuing on for a masters in botany. After grad school she went on to teach science at a junior high school in the Alpine School District.

While in her teaching career, Katy’s Masters Advisor became the director of the Bean Museum and asked Katy to come fill the education position there. Katy took him up on the offer, and about a year later the position was converted to a permanent full time position which she was able to stay in. (More to come about the cool job that Katy has!) Now, working full time at BYU meant she could take classes. So while working full time, Katy went on to earn a PhD in IPT, aka Instructional Psychology and Technology. Katy’s PhD focus was a brilliant blend of both her tech background and work at the Bean Museum. She developed an iPad app to encourage kids to interact with the exhibitions via a “choose your own adventure” approach. Based on their choices, young visitors to the museum would ultimately choose a specimen to learn about. This app reshaped the approach to interacting with the museum by designing active learning experiences guided by technology.

So a funny story . . .
Now, as you may know, the bishop is a professor in Instructional Psychology and Technology, the area of Katy’s PhD. Well, Bishop Williams was on Katy’s dissertation committee before he became bishop. So when Katy walked into church one Sunday and saw Brother Williams in the pews, she knew right away that he was about to be called as our ward’s new bishop. Thinking about the bishop’s specialization, Katy went up to the bishop after the meeting and jokingly said, “Our ward is in need of evaluation!” We are grateful for that because his evaluation of our needs has led to some powerful inspiration.

A Night at the Museum. And a Day. And Another Day.
So what does Katy get to do working at the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum? Oodles of cool stuff most us could only dream of putting on our resume or CV. Check this out: Katy gets to design her own projects, including creating training and exhibit videos; she oversees student educators that put on the live shows (the live animal shows do not include cuddly animals, but rather the creepy crawly creatures . . . even as an animal lover, I’d leave that to the students, too!); and she runs the website and puts together the newsletter.

Katy is also a member of the Exhibits Committee. Considering Katy’s PhD focus, the museum director saw what her expertise could contribute in terms of making exhibits more interactive. The museum has undergone a shift from the typical exhibits being based on collections to a more innovative approach in which each exhibit tells a story and teaches about the parts of the exhibit within their larger context. This grew out of asking how to make the exhibits more interactive and engaging.

Check out more about the Bean Museum by clicking on the link here:

Coach Katy
Now just because Katy left teaching junior high school does not mean she left coaching basketball. No way. Katy had already been coaching when she got the job at the Bean and has kept on doing so since leaving several years ago. And under Katy’s leadership, the Lady Cavemen have done really well. In 2009 they won the State Championship and with the latest crop of players, they have reached the State Semi-Finals twice and Finals once in the last 3 years. With everything Katy has already on her plate, why keep working with the girls? Easy. Working with the girls and helping them build their confidence is awesome. (Not to mention the entertainment factor trying to decipher the completely foreign language teens use!)

See You on the Links
Among Katy’s many loves is golfing, something she started when she was 30 or 31. Each birthday, she has a set date with her older brothers on the links. Since she doesn’t get a lot of time with them as they are all busy with their own families, this yearly golf date is their gift to her.  (Plus, having brothers 7-17 years older also helps you always feel perpetually young(er)!)

Provo City Development
Katy loves Provo. Growing up here has allowed Katy to see all of its incredible metamorphosis and the cool microcosm of co-existing social worlds, the town (locals) and gown (BYU community). As a local, she has watched as these two worlds interact at businesses and public spaces. Not surprisingly, Katy enjoys living right downtown. Even before the temple was announced, downtown Provo was undergoing a renaissance with live theater, music, comedy, and all those restaurants. It’s small enough to be cute and quaint, but there’s much to do that makes it fun!

Lights. Camera. Action.
Katy’s love of Provo has also appeared on screen with her YouTube series Downtown Dining with Larry in which Katy and her dad (as well as often another friend, Eric) check out local dining establishments in Provo. Want to get some ideas for dates or after game meals? Check it out!

Downtown Dining with Larry - youtube series

If you want to eat in, no problem. Katy’s got you covered. Want suggestions for cooking for yourself, but still respecting the demands of your inner foodie? Well, Katy has an app for that, too. Well, a YouTube series (you can use your app for). Cooking for One is Katy’s own cooking show in which she learns and in turn teaches us how to make some pretty delicious food.

You now have no reason to not have a happy tummy. 

Katy has a huge talent for documenting life, adventures, and all things good. This is only a small sample!

World Traveller. World Adventurer.
Not only does Katy love Provo, but she also loves seeing the world. One of her memorable trips was one she took to Mexico City with her parents, her little sister and her brother before he got married. The trip started out simply enough with her dad meeting with other scientists. But when they embarked upon their trip from Mexico City to Cancun, the trip took a super adventurous turn with them finding themselves in rather “interesting” accommodations one night. (This is why we can all be grateful for hotel ratings on our phones in this day and age!!). This “interesting” experience was contrasted with the opportunity to go to church in Mexico.

As an undergrad, Katy also spent a semester abroad in London on the theatre program when the Jazz were in the finals. As the only non-theatre, non-English major, the show Katy was wanting to see at that time was on the small screen, not the stage. So Katy asked a pub across town if they could show the game. Here’s the thing. London is 7 hours ahead, so the game was going to be shown during the night London time. So the pub owner would leave the TVs on for them to watch through the windows so that they could see the game from outside while the rest of London was slumbering. And he provided the root beer for the watching. Even the other BYU students would come to watch the game even if they weren’t themselves into basketball. This folks, this is problem solving. 

Have car. Will travel.
But Katy also enjoys adventures stateside. In 2008 she embarked upon a solo cross-country trip in her Beetle Bug. To add to the fun, Katy posted that the route she’d take would be determined by where her friends would put her up. But Katy upped the ante when her sister suggested Katy should get her friends to set her up on dates along the way. For just under three weeks, Katy got to see the country and visit friends while getting some good dates and listening to audio books, travelling over to Boston and then down to Florida before making her way back to Utah. Check out Katy’s blog about her adventures, including this one!!

Climb Every Mountain
An avid hiker, Katy set a goal to complete the hikes in the book 60 Hikes within 60 Miles of Salt Lake City. So far she has completed 34 of the 60, including completing the hike to the peak of Timp for her birthday two years in a row, each year starting at a different side. Timp is the toughest yet also coolest hike she’s done. Want some ideas for hikes you can try out? Check out Katy’s list!  Hiking List

So Many Temples, so Little Time
Another motivation for travel is visiting new temples. So far she’s visited 51! (No, that’s not a typo!)  And by visit, she means she’s done an endowment session. No session, no count. For the past several years she’s made it a point to visit 6 a year. With the church constantly adding new temples and with the ones left to visit being further away, this number is realistically going to have to become more like 3 new ones a year. This year, she’s hoping to add the Provo City Center, Washington, DC (she’s already been, but hadn’t started her list yet, so oh darn, she’s got to go again! ;) and another on the East Coast like maybe in Manhattan.

Want some ideas about temples to visit? Get inspired. Check out Katy’s list:  Temple List

No Crisis. Everything is Contained.
In case you missed the memo (and the links here have failed to illustrate), Katy is ORGANISED. I mean, she could organize people’s areas, time and life for a living.  She is THAT good and loves helping others figure out how to get themselves organized. Need some ideas? She knows how to contain any crisis.  

Sodalicious. I first heard about this place from Katy and there’s a reason she loves this place. Her favourite? Diet Dr. Pepper with a little bit extra pomegranate. Considering the fact that Katy is pretty much not only one of the most faithful regulars, but also one of their best advertisements, you think they would have taken her up on the offer to allow them to name this awesome drink after her. Maybe it’s time to start a petition. Who’s in!?

Music that Inspires
Katy also loves her music. This includes U2 and Indigo Girls (amazing concert!!). But perhaps most noteworthy is she is likely James Taylor’s biggest fan. And naturally, who couldn’t resist the Barenaked Ladies? If you want a funny story, ask Katy about her mom’s response to when Katy’s brother wanted to go see a Barenaked Ladies concert.  

Now Seriously! What Inspires You?
Not surprisingly, Katy is motivated by learning new things and reaching goals. To help her accomplish this, Katy keeps lists of all she does (see the links throughout!).

One of her biggest loves? Her nieces and nephews! Going and seeing the little kids is awesome because they are easy to give and receive love.

Life with Larry
From an early age, Katy knew that she was lucky to have a dad with the broad views that he had. He always supported his daughters in pursuing their dreams and talents without qualification. Why couldn’t they accomplish their goals?! With such support, Katy was empowered to live up to her talents and walk to her own drum. Thanks, Brother Knight!!!

Words to Live by
Losing a few people in short period of time helped take Katy’s testimony of the atonement and empathy to new depths. As sad as these circumstances were, they helped solidify her testimony. One of her favourite scriptures reminds us of the eternal perspective of our relationships:

D&C 130: 2: “And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.”

And one more scripture, reminds us of the Lord’s mercy towards us all:

Alma 29:10:And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.

Please See Me!
How would Katy hope that others see her? While there are many components, they all come down to one common theme: being there and ready to be there for others. Katy would want people to see her as someone willing to serve and live the gospel, as well as someone who is happy and fun, yet also real and easy to approach. If you do not already know Katy, you will quickly learn that she embodies these things well and is a hard worker. She would hope others would see her as someone who did what she thought was best and lived accordingly.

As we sustain Katy in her role as our RS president, I hope we can listen to her counsel and the direction she takes our ward’s RS within the context above, that she is doing her best to help us all. We can help her accomplish her vision to strengthen one another by doing our visiting teaching and by reaching out to any new sisters we do not yet know, whether visitors or those in our ward.

So, when Katy says she loves us all, let’s follow her example and expand the love we feel for one another, too.


  1. This is an amazing piece about an amazing woman!! :)

  2. Katy, thank you for sharing and accepting the calling. In regards to this post, isn't there some talents missing from this post? Violin, singing, playing piano, yo-yo tricks, and connect four.

  3. Katy, it was so fun to learn all these things about! No wonder you're as awesome as you are!!

  4. I love this story! It was great to learn more about you Katie who already respected so highly! What a fun person you are in addition to your strong testimony and your open willingness to serve others. You definitely keep the smiles coming!

  5. I love this story! It was great to learn more about you Katie who already respected so highly! What a fun person you are in addition to your strong testimony and your open willingness to serve others. You definitely keep the smiles coming!
