Monday, February 29, 2016

Doralia Serrano

Today is leap year and that means that our very own, Doralia Serrano, is at least 8 years old! We are happy to introduce you all to her. Doralia is from Mexico City and is an accountant with Wasatch Mental Health - that means she is super smart and likes numbers and spreadsheets. 

From her sister Soraya: "What I love about Doralia is how much she cares about her family. She always wants us to text her as soon as we arrive home or anywhere, so she knows we got there safe. Also, she always tries to make sure that others know (or in this case, her favorite sister know, that will be me..haha!) how special I am. Something interesting about Doralia is that she likes to run, however, she runs so slowly that I can walk next to her while she's running. Another interesting thing about her is that she is learning to play jazz music on the piano because our niece, a girl with special needs, loves that type of music, and Doralia wants to become the favorite aunt of them all."

Doralia is the second oldest of 5 kids. She is currently serving as the secretary in our Relief Society presidency. Her last calling was as the home evening co-chair. Doralia is not only smart, but wise. She is also extremely funny. She is very practical to the point that she doesn't like to take time to cook her vegetables - she eats them raw most of the time. You can often find Doralia at the Provo rec center - she goes regularly and especially likes the yoga classes. She is easy to talk to and so fun to be around. If you don't know Doralia, please take some time to get to know her. And if you have time today, wish her Happy Birthday cause this day doesn't come around every year!


  1. Happy Birthday Doralia!! It was so fun learning all these things about you! They confirm how awesome I already knew you were! ;)

  2. It's so great to learn more about you, Doralia, and your great skills at organizing and accomplishing! And happy birthday!

  3. Thank you!

    In my running defense, last week only one walker passed me. Also, I passed every silver snicker that was walking on the track.
    Growing up, every time an adult asked about my birthday there were laughs. I thought they were making fun of me, but little did I know that this would be my favorite truth to prank people.

  4. I like lots of things about Doralia but especially how witty she is. She says the funniest things that make me laugh. And it's never at the expense of someone else. I think that's a wonderful trait. :D

  5. Happy Birthday!! If it makes you feel any better, I walk faster than I run. Pathetic, I know! That's why I don't run. Have a great day!

  6. Doralia was the first sister to reach out to me my first Sunday in the ward. She invited me to sit by her and she took time after the meeting to talk to me. It's always awkward going to a mid-single ward, but she extended her friendship which made me feel at ease and welcome. Doralia is fun to talk to and always has wonderful gospel insight. I appreciate her friendship and humble heart! Happy Birthday!!

  7. Feliz cumple Doralia!! I hope you had a good birthday. I'm curious to know how you celebrate??? :)
